Friday, January 23, 2015


A pictogram is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object. Pictographs are often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance.

It's a pictogram of a man throwing away trash into a garbage can. 
It's a pictogram of a parking space. 

The first row displays the securities and flight attendants.
The second row displays the people who search you and search through your luggage.
The third row displays you going through the process in which they check your passport and your plane ticket.
The fourth picture displays you going to pick up your luggage from the place you left them.

The first picture shows an image of someone swimming.
The second picture shows someone running, probably for track.
The third picture shows someone playing volleyball.
The fourth image is showing someone probably boxing with someone else.
The fifth picture shows someone riding a bike, they're probably a cyclist.
The sixth picture shows someone dancer which probably represents a dancer.
The seventh picture shows someone hitting a ball with a stick, they're probably a hockey player.
The eighth picture shows someone tackling someone down, they're wrestling.
The ninth picture shows someone bowling.
The tenth picture is a picture of someone playing basketball.
The eleventh picture is a picture of someone playing football.
The twelfth picture is of someone shooting a sniper or shotgun.
The thirteenth picture is a picture of someone playing tennis.
The fourteenth picture is a picture of someone playing pingpong.
The fifteenth picture is a picture of someone running probably a triathlon.
The sixteenth picture is a picture of someone getting dropped on the floor.
The seventeenth picture is a picture of someone lifting weights.   

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