Wednesday, January 28, 2015

American Flag

On the American flag, the stars represent how many states are in the United States. There are 50 stars on the American flag. The stripes on the flag represent the first thirteen colonies when America was first discovered. The colors on the American flag are red, white and blue. The color white signifies purity and innocence. The color red signifies hardiness and valor and blue, the color of the Chief, represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.

Illustrator Notes

- Creating a new canvas (document)
     press Command+N to make a new canvas
     3 sections of Adobe Illustrator (Toolbox [left], Menu bar [at the top], Panels [right])
     PROFILE: Print, SIZE: Letter, ORIENTATION: Portait

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)

    Rectangle Tool (M) - makes squares and rectangles with sharp edges
    Rounded rectangle tool - makes rectangles with rounded edges
    Ellipse tool - draw circles and ovals
    Polygon Tool - draws convex regular polygons.
    Star tool - draws stars; to add more edges tap the up arrow, to remove edges tap the down arrow; to     control the sharpness of the star, hold the command key while drawing the star.

   Selection Tool (V)- looks like a black arrow.  Use to select objects that you want to move, copy or     delete.

    Pen Tool (P) - draws line segments and curves

- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color

First, select your object or line.  
Second, click on the fill color box to set the fill color. 
OR, click on the stroke color box to set the stroke color

- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)

Save for Adobe Illustrator = (.ai) <<Can ONLY be opened in Illustrator.
Save for the Internet/Your blog = (.jpeg, .gif, .png) << Can be uploaded to your blog.

Friday, January 23, 2015


A rebus is an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. It was a favorite form of heraldic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames.

The rebus says "I'll back back".
The eye represents "I" and you'll add the "L" to make "I'll".
The bee makes the same sound the word "be" makes.
And the last image is pointing at a back to finish off the sentence. 
The rebus says "belief".
The bee represents "be" in the word,
and the leaf makes the same sound as "leif". 

The rebus says "Can you see well?".
The word can and a can make the same sound.
The "u" makes the same sound as "you".
"C" makes the same sound as "see".
A well and well make the same sound.

The rebus says "I love you".
The eye presents "I",
the heart represents love,
and "U" makes the same sound as "you".
My Dear Child,
I received your letter of Tuesday and am glad
you got home well. I have sent the length of
before Lotty. I am glad to hear the fool gotten so well,
give my fool love to.
Your old loving of a fool Father, Oscar Byer. 


A pictogram is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object. Pictographs are often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance.

It's a pictogram of a man throwing away trash into a garbage can. 
It's a pictogram of a parking space. 

The first row displays the securities and flight attendants.
The second row displays the people who search you and search through your luggage.
The third row displays you going through the process in which they check your passport and your plane ticket.
The fourth picture displays you going to pick up your luggage from the place you left them.

The first picture shows an image of someone swimming.
The second picture shows someone running, probably for track.
The third picture shows someone playing volleyball.
The fourth image is showing someone probably boxing with someone else.
The fifth picture shows someone riding a bike, they're probably a cyclist.
The sixth picture shows someone dancer which probably represents a dancer.
The seventh picture shows someone hitting a ball with a stick, they're probably a hockey player.
The eighth picture shows someone tackling someone down, they're wrestling.
The ninth picture shows someone bowling.
The tenth picture is a picture of someone playing basketball.
The eleventh picture is a picture of someone playing football.
The twelfth picture is of someone shooting a sniper or shotgun.
The thirteenth picture is a picture of someone playing tennis.
The fourteenth picture is a picture of someone playing pingpong.
The fifteenth picture is a picture of someone running probably a triathlon.
The sixteenth picture is a picture of someone getting dropped on the floor.
The seventeenth picture is a picture of someone lifting weights.   

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


A calligram is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy or handwriting is arranged in a way that create a visual image. The image created by the words expresses visually what the word, or words, say.

The word being shown is this calligram is elephant, and an elephant is being shown.

The word being shown is a swan, and the image is a swan.

The word being shown is kitty, and the image is a kitty. 

It's a calligram of a panther, it says panther in a drawing of a panther.

It's a calligram of an ant, and in the ant there's words describing its body. 

The first picture on the template is a symbol of a tent. It usually informs people that they can set u there camp sites there.This sign is seen at places where people can camp.

The second picture on the template is a symbol of a bench table. It usually informs people that they can eat or sit there. This sign is found at a park.

The third picture on the template is a symbol of a ranger station. It usually informs people that they can set up there. This sign is found by parks.

The fourth picture on the template is a symbol of a restroom. It usually informs people that either sex can enter the restroom. This sign is usually found in restaurants or public places.

The fifth picture on the template is a symbol of a parking. It usually informs people that they can park there. This sign is usually found in public places, for example, universal studios, stadiums, etc.

The sixth picture on the template is a symbol of a cabin. It usually means that there is a cabin in which people may use. This sign is usually found in the wood wherever there is a cabin.

The seventh picture on the template is a symbol of a restaurants in the area. It usually means that there are places near by where you can eat. This sign is usually found at malls or shopping centers.

The eighth picture on the template is a symbol of a self-guiding trail. It usually means that there are no signs ahead for that trail. This sign is usually found when hiking.

The ninth picture on the template is a symbol of a disabled people. It usually means that people who are on wheel chairs can be there or some that drive and are disabled have a parking spot. This sign is usually found at shopping centers, food courts, bus, etc.

The tenth picture on the template is a symbol of information. It usually means that you can ask questions for help. This sign is usually found at amusement parks and other.

The eleventh picture on the template is a symbol of a store. to indicate that it is a place to buy some snacks. This sign is usually found when your buy a place to buy food.

The twelve picture on the template is a symbol of a telephone. It usually means that you can use the phone booth to make a phone call. This sign is usually found on the side walk or lobbies.

The thirteenth picture on the template is a symbol of a trail to hike on. It usually means that you are able to hike there. This sign is usually found like at a place called runyon.

The fourteenth picture on the template is a symbol of beware slipway. It usually means that you are not able to step there unless you wanna slip. This sign is usually found at a harbor, beach or boat dock.

The fifteenth picture on the template is a symbol of an anchor. It is usually means that you are by a boat dock. This sign is found by where there's a ocean/boats.

The sixteenth picture on the template is a symbol for a scuba diving. It usually means that people can go there and dive. This sign is found by the oceans.

The seventeenth picture on the template is a symbol for a sailing. It usually means that there is a ocean area where your aloud to sail. This sign is found by the beach of lakes.

The eighteenth picture on the template is a symbol for a boat tour. It usually means that you are around a place where there is an ocean or water area where you can get a tour. This sign is usually found by water area.

The nineteenth picture of the template is a symbol for swimming. It usually means that there is a pool near you and are able to go swim. This sign is usually found at a gym or public water area.

The twentieth picture of the template is a symbol for fishing. It usually means that there is an area to fish. This sign usually means that your aloud to fish in that area.

The twenty first picture of the template is a symbol for canoe access. This usually means that you're aloud to use a canoe there. This sign is usually by a water area.

The twenty second picture of the template is a symbol for country ski trail. This usually means that that is a trail for skiing. This sign is usually where theres snow.

The twenty third picture of the template is a symbol for a down hill skiing. This usually means that there a hill to ski on. This sign is found by a ski trail.

The twenty fourth picture of the template is a symbol for a snow mobile trail. This usually means that that is an area where your able to be. This sign is usually found on a snow area.

The twenty fifth picture of the template is a symbol for sledding. This usually means that your able to do that. This sign is usually found by an area where its specifically for that so you wont be able to hurt you self.

The twenty sixth picture of the template is a symbol for ice skating. This usually means that there is and ice skating rink. This sign is usually found by an ice skating rink.

The twenty seventh picture of the template is symbol for horse back riding This usually means that there is a stable for horses. This sign usually means that you can ride a horse there.

The twenty eighth picture of the template is a symbol for a stable. This usually means that there are horses inside this house looking thing which is a stable. This is usually found on dry land where you able to ride horses.

The twenty ninth picture of the template is a symbol for a bicycle trail. This usually means that bicycles are aloud to ride on that side. This sign is usually found on the streets or some hiking places.

The thirtieth picture of the template is a symbol for a mountain. This usually means that you are by mountains. This sign is usually found by  the mountains.

The thirty first picture of the template is a symbol for a bus stop. This usually means that you are waiting for the bus there or thats where the bus passes. This sign is usually found by the sides of the streets.

The thirty second picture of the template is a symbol for a 4 wheel road. This usually means that there is a road. I dont really know where this sign is found.

The thirty third picture of the template is a symbol for a motor bike trail. This usually means that there is a place to ride the motor bikes. This sign is usually found by a dirt area.

The thirty fifth picture on the template is a symbol for a gas station. This usually means that you can put gas there. This sign is usually found on the corner of the streets (main streets).

The thirty sixth picture on the template is a symbol for an airport. This usually means that there is an airport ahead. This sign is usually found on freeways.

The thirty seventh picture on the template is a symbol for an drinking water. Which means you can drink that water there. This sign is usually found by a water fashion.

The thirty eighth picture on the template is a symbol for a post office. This usually means your able to send something or receive something.

The thirty ninth picture on the template is a symbol for a first aid kit. This is usually means that there is a first aid kit there. This sign is found in hospitals or on boxes.

The fortieth picture on the template is a symbol for a hospital. This usually means that there is a hospital  near you. This sign is usually found by certain streets.

The forty first picture on the template is a symbol of a amphitheater. This usually means that there are people performing around there. 

The forty second picture on the template is a symbol for golfing. This usually means that there are golfing areas there. This sign is usually found in entering golfing courses.

The forty third picture on the template is a symbol for a campfire. This usually means that there is permission to be able to make a campfire there. This sing is usually found in the wood, mountains, or beaches.

The forty fourth picture on the template is a symbol for a litter receptacle. This is usually means that there is a litter for cat to do its business in. This sign is usually for cats.

The forty fifth picture on the template is a symbol for recycling. This usually means that you could only throw away bottle there for recycling.  This sign is usually for bottles and cans.

The next picture on the template is a symbol for pets on a leash. This usually means that pets should be on a leash at all times. This sign is usually found at parks or hiking trails.

The forty seventh picture on the template is a symbol for shelter. This usually means its for pets i guess. This sign is usually found in no common places.

 The next picture on the template is a symbol for an RV campground. This usually means its for Rv's to park at with a lease form. This sign is usually found at large un used places.

The forty ninth picture on the template is a symbol for a sanitary disposal station. This usually means that its for train stations i guess. This sign is usually found in the streets.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Alphabet: A set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language; in particular, the set of letters from A to Z.

Street Sign: A sign visible from the street.

Advertisement: A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
Constellation: A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries.

ASCII Symbols: (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common format for text files in computers and on the Internet. In an ASCII file, each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number (a string of seven 0s or 1s).

Electronic Symbols: Is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices (such as wires, batteries, resistors, and transistors) in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit. 

Morse Code: An alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound.

American Sign Language: A form of sign language developed in the US and used also in English-speaking parts of Canada.

Glyph: A hieroglyphic character or symbol; a pictograph.